

I'm officially home untill thursday then off to AZ till the ninth. Canada was so aazing this year my cousins are the cutest kids in the history of the world besiseds me jk lol. I spent alot of nights with Brent and Allison my aunt and uncle they have two kids Brooke who is two and Beau who is 1 they just built a new house and im probably going to spend alot of the sumer next year up there. We went to Edmonton and spent the night with Kevin and Jennifer y other aunt and uncle they have two also Sam who is two and Charlie who is seven months.......we went to the worlds biggest mall totally awesome!!! Somewhere in there spent time at my grandparents farm went fishing...i got stuck in the pond ask me about it later................um then off to the best part convention!!!! I met some really really awesome people....Greame, Curtis, Travis, Ashlee, Kielee, and seriously tons of other people i only didnt like one person!!!!! anyway i got to see Jeff and bobbie i met them two years ago so it was good to see them to. it was just me and Kaitlyn and mom picked us up on sat and we came home. The convention was really good in itself though some truley amazing speakers there soooo......thats like a small caption of what happened oh and i dont have a phone till the end of the sumer...and laura call me i have to talk to u about Saginaw stuff home number is 1-503-587-9275


Crazy Fun

Hey everyone soo i had an awesoe convention!!! It's so good to see all of y friends that live far away and make a few new ones...! The speakers were amazing and i feel totally rejuvinated in my spirit!!! One of the best parts was probably the hymn sings they were amazing i wont go into the bad parts lol. But i was also happy to get to Sierra's house and have a good nice real warm bed to sleep in and a hot shower!!!! We are leaving for Canada on the 11th soo now i have to figure out something to do for the 4th of July lol and like a couple days after we get back we are leaving for AZ and then immediatly conventions ahhhhhh super crazy lol......


Hey you guys!!! Sooooo super exciting news!!!! I made it to advanced choir only six of us made it!!! I'm sooo happy....lol today was the last day of school and it was awesome lots of hugs....cute guys lol...party tonight its goin to be super fun!!!! im goin yo sierra's house tomorrow and I'm so happy cause that means Parma in two days lol yay!!! now I'm going to use spellcheck lol haha best invention ever!



Sooo today was totally scary!!! I was auditioning for advanced choir at high school and it was really scarey he is only picking six of us lol and its totally freaking me out um...we get the results on Monday i will be unhappy till then but then again....Parma!!!!! Graduation is tomorrow im so excited!!! Then a half day on Monday and we are done!!!


Sooo im having like the best couple of days ever!!!! I'm so happy...this is how it went Wendnesday i was goin to have to clean some stupid park and i got to the attendence office to check in and Mrs. Ringstad was like do you really want to go clean and i was NO!!!! and she said i could just stay in there and hang out the whole time it was awesome!!! And then next period in science we shot off rockets and that was awesome then...came math and we did this cool game cube thing it was super fun...then i left and made some money!!!...and then mom called and was like well we are going to go to Canada three weeks later instead and soooo GUESS WHAT!!!!! i get to go to Parma!!!! Ahhhhh im so happy!!! and then Sierra got to come over and we had ice cream and it was amazing i love her!!! Plus I get to see Laura at Parma and Devon and tons of other people plus graduation is on Friday and activity day on Monday Ahhhhhhhh awesome days!!!!



Sooo i have decided this is really dumb i am seriously like pulling my hair out!!!! Im so bad at compuer stuff and i need Sierra to help me!!!!......but she is at school lol...so yeah they need to make this idiot proof!! And on top of that Blake is working today :(.....and im a little stressed but one good thing cleaning out lockers tomorrow and we cleaned out our math binders today!!! That makes me happy :) We are leaving for Canada soon im soo excited lol....ummm i can't think of anything else...i bought new jeans and a shirt.....and im working today after the dentist which once again means no Blake or like anyone pretty much!!! Laura if you are reading this you are a liar and i will tell you why later!!!


Here goes nothin

Okay so i'm going to do this whole blog thing and....i have no idea how good i will be at it lol!!! I do love writing though so i think i will be okay at it (that last thing i said was a lie i really actually don't like writing...) but thats cool. I'm supr excited for summer its in like six days! Our family is going to do a whole bunch of fun stuff like....goin to Canada and Arizona!!! Sadly i still have like four days left of like straight tests it stinks but then we are totally goin to party!!!! :)

btw the picture makes me Happy!!!!